Aransas County is located on the Gulf of Mexico and offers a calming coastal community. The diverse population of Aransas County and the Rockport area is made up local residents, winter migrants and vacationers. Local businesses include tourist attractions, sport hunting and fishing, boating and coastal activities. The Aransas County Real Estate Market consists of modest to luxurious homes, condominiums and ranches.

If you are looking for a Realtor to help you with your Aransas County real estate needs. Since cover the Rockport or Aransas Pass area, we have extensive knowledge of the real estate market and have researched the market trends in that area. Whether you are looking to sell your property or buy real estate our experienced agents are ready to handle all your real estate needs.

Cities within Aransas County: Aransas Pass, Rockport and Fulton

Start your search for homes for sale in Aransas County now!


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    Everyone should own a piece of Texas Jacob Realty
    [email protected]
    5003 John Stockbauer, Suite G
    Victoria, Texas 77904